It's impossible to put the experience into words. Instead I'll let H's pics do the talking.
I understand both concerts were sold out. Here's the crowd gathering before the first concert.

Here's Jim Hiscott, the composer of "Night on an Old Trade Route," Andrea Ratuski, who performed "Spirit Reel" with Jim Hiscott, Mark Kolt, the composer of "Pictograph" and "Words to Another Forest Song" as well as another piece performed in the concert, and me.

Looking up at the tipi from inside.

The sound in the tipi was incredible. I'm told the singing sounded wonderful outside the tipi as well.
Here's a peek at the Gathering Ceremony.

Here I am being interviewed by Mark Szyszlo.

The piece about the concert was aired on CBC radio twice today. I slept through the first broadcast, but received a phone call right after from someone who had heard it. I missed the second broadcast due to cat issues. I received a call after it from another listener. Both said Szyszlo's piece on the concert was excellent.
Here's a shot of the crowd after the first concert.

Here I am signing a score for a member of the choir.

Here's the Rising Sun Drum Group down by the water shortly before they moved inside for the evening concert.

Here's Jana Dutkiewicz, the soprano soloist who performed "Words to Another Forest Song," and me.

Here's the choir lining up for the evening concert.

Here's Crystal Kolt, director of the choir, after the Gathering Ceremony.

Crystal's tremendous energy is contagious and her vision is both great and inspiring.
I'm happy I was there to see both concerts. They were the same and yet so different. It was wonderful to have Ariel and H there with me to share and document the experience.
Again, hats off to all!
Fame and fortune look good on you, B. (I knew her when.)
Ha! Very funny. I do know how to enjoy what good luck comes my way and I definitely enjoyed every moment of this!
Congrats! It sounds wonderful and I wish I could have been there.
Please tell me that the cat issues weren't serious.
Thanks, Amy! It was wonderful. Sad to hear what happened to the tipi later on that night after the concert.
I hope it's not serious. We're taking her to the vet this afternoon.
Awesome. Sounds wonderful, and so nice that Ariel was there to celebrate with you.
Thanks, Paula Jane! It was great having her here. And of course we had cake to celebrate!
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