"She's a powerful poet, with haunting images and a wicked, dry sense of humour."
Read more here.
I laughed when I read her opening remarks about how people react to being photographed. I admit I'm frequently appalled by photos that well-meaning people take of authors at readings and then post on Facebook, and I tend to share my thoughts quite freely on the subject. I shudder at underchin shots. Underarms. Mouths open. Eyes shut. The list goes on. Yikes. Who would appreciate that? Shelley never does that. Thanks to Shelley for the lovely photo of me, her professional approach, and for putting up with my ranting.

Yesterday we got up at 4 a.m and drove from Regina, SK, to The Pas, MB, where at 2:30 I presented "Corridor: A Poetic Negotiation of the Mystic Lake Road Corridor Game Preserve" at the Gateways North: Expansion, Convergence and Change conference at the University College of the North. We arrived in time to take in two interesting presentations: "All Aboard CCGS Harper to a Glorious, Ice-free North: Artwork Submission and Presentation" by Avery Ascher, and "Photographs Generate Knowledge: Northern Manitoba Homelessness Research Project" by Marleny Munoz. We had to leave directly after my presentation, alas. I wish I could've attended more sessions and heard Tomson Highway deliver the keynote speech. Many thanks to the conference organizers.
I have other news and things to share in the coming days. For now I want to say thank you.
I shudder at urchin shots too!
(Congrats, B! Can't wait to read it!)
Thanks, A! I'll be mailing you a copy right smartly!
Thank you! It was great to see and hear you read from your latest, greatest book!
Ha! Thanks, Tracy! Thank you for being there. It was great to break bread with you again!
i love the exciting life you're leading these days, B! very fun to hear all about the good news : ) and more to come? yay!
Thanks, Shawna! Of course in my world news generally means that I ordered books and they showed up! :)
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