And now a northern poet's review of a weekend well spent. As you might have gathered from Friday's video, I spent much of the weekend outside in the forest. As usual, bits of what I'd been reading came to mind as I looked around. I was on page 87 of The God Delusion before I headed out, so it was Dawkins' words that accompanied me on my wanderings. That's what I was thinking about when I saw my first Yellow-rumped Warbler of the year.

That's what I was thinking about when I saw the Spruce Grouse.

But I can assure you that's not what I was thinking about when I saw the bear.

As I watched the bear graze and dig for food, I noticed its ear. It looked like a chocolate cookie. A cookie that someone had nibbled on.
Photos by H.
Speaking of orb weavers
I like!
By the way, you want to be careful posting pictures of bears -- you might end up on Stephen Colbert's Threatdown.
Tracy! :)
Ha! Duly noted, John. Such would be my luck.
Heads up! Bookninja is looking for haiku! There is no mention of prizes, but I'm sure that's just an oversight. I'm sure I'll win the prize for the first haiku submitted. Or the Groaner Prize...
Eek! Is that a grizzly bear? I thought there were only black bears in your neck of the woods...
It's a black bear, Anita, just not a black one. While many black bears are black, lighter colour phases are pretty common in the west. They can range from light blonde to dark brown. This one is the cinnamon phase, my favourite colour. :)
How apropos, b. It doesn't get much more "northern" than you... And as for Haiku, I'm dismayed to report that regular AOABS readers such as Ariel, Anita, John, Zach and Tracy have yet to enter.... How sad.
What!? None of them have entered! I'm shocked. Mind you, my haiku is pretty hard to top...
I'm still in shock. Don't tell me they're too, uh, no, I won't say it... me when I tell you my haiku isn't fit for consumption by man, woman, or cinnamon bear.
Ha! Well if G decides to humour me by posting my haiku you'll see that it's not fit for consumption either. I just can't resist little challenges like this. Or the opportunity to make a bad joke.
Never haiku-ed before. Also, don't write poetry on a dare...though there are worse reasons.
You've never haiku-ed!!! Ok. I'm going to fall over now...
Also, (much to my chagrin that I didn't do it sooner), congrats on the NPR appearance!
Am still reading and re-reading and re-reading An Exercise in Perspective...very nice!
Thanky A!
I've been trying to settle the cat who doesn't think much of the waterbombers that have been buzzing low over town for about an hour now. The planes were going right over the house to begin with. The poor cat ran for her life. The fire must be pretty close. It doesn't take them long to dump and head back for a fill. And a couple more waterbombers showed up. There's a good wind today. The smoke makes me crave a wiener roast...
"Also, don't write poetry on a dare"
What about on a Daher? I have some overalls that could use a bit o stylin'.
Ha! :) That would likely be detrimental to your overall appearance...
If you don't know what we're talking about, check out Anita's post to understand her overall situation.
Sheesh. One of the reasons I haven't written a haiku, oddly enough, is I've been working.
Bah. Work schmurk. Don't they give you bathroom breaks? Heck, they even supply the paper. A haiku is a one square affair. Just take along a pen and you're good to go.
Funny you should say that, Brenda, as I just sent off a pile of haikus to George, some of which are distinkly scatalogical.
black, brown, or grizzly
"hey what are ya looking at?"
Ha! Good going, Zach! You must feel completely emptied. I just hope you didn't strain too hard...
Funny, Ken! I hope this means you submitted some haiku to Bookninja. Bear in mind, they're looking for work related haiku.
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