...for the poor quality of this image. The picture was taken at an angle through triple pane glass. It's the best I could do. Anyhow, this is what's unfolding outside my office window this morning. This raven has been going on and on for an hour now. It's cutting into my ability to think. I can't concentrate on what I'm reading. I can't write. Worse yet, another raven has been hanging around. They seem to be very interested in this particular tree. Since ravens begin breeding and egg-laying in a month, I suspect they plan to build a nest here. Indeed, it would be a great place for a nest, but it would be detrimental to my work. I know what hungry little ravens sound like. I'd definitely have to set up an office elsewhere.
I see two possible solutions: a .22 or an axe.
(I'm always a fan of theoretical violence...)
Ravens In Winter, by Bernd Heinrich. Because you need more books.
Thanks, John. I can always make more room for books. It might be time to up my knowledge of ravens. Our town is teaming with ravens year round. They're always the most numerous bird on our bird surveys. I love them. They're brilliant birds. I often sit in the car while H runs in a store for something and watch them break into people's groceries. And they'll sit on vehicles and stare people in the eye as they come out of McDonalds, burger or fries in hand. People often throw them a few fries, so I imagine heart disease is increasing in the raven population as well. A couple years back a guy down the street had a raven nesting in his yard. It totally changed his sleep pattern. He was up with the birds as the saying goes. Of course I laughed at that. I shouldn't have laughed.
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