...I continue to spend most of my time in the studio. It's hard to believe the weekend is here already. Time disappears when I'm writing, but not nearly as quickly as when I'm painting. And then there's the matter of sleep. When I'm writing I usually get up a million times to write something down that came to me just as I was on the verge of falling asleep, but after a day of making quick decisions in watercolour that are both conscious and spontaneous and after negotiating the space between control and the loss of control, between brilliance and mud, I'm definitely ready to sleep.
In other news,
Aberrant Lounges, a new chapbook by
Kimmy Beach and published by
Martian Press, showed up at the post office yesterday. It's a good looking chapbook. I look forward to reading it.
By the way, I'm
still waiting for
my Amazon order to show up.
now that I know which of Santa's reindeers I am, it's time to find a sleigh and get into the holiday mode. Posts will be light or non-existent until early in the new year.
Psst! Santa, I found a sleigh!

We're good to go. Happy holidays!
Great picture!
I Vixen, I'm Cupid :-)
"A total romantic, you're always crushing on a new reindeer.
Why You're Naughty: You've caused so much drama, all the reindeers aren't speaking to each other.
Why You're Nice: You have a knack for playing matchmaker. You even hooked Rudolph up!"
Oops I meant to say, "Hi" Vixen.
Hi Cupid!
Life just gets weirder and weirder.
Cool. I've been told it's the greatest gift ever!
I'm excited and happy just to get a present.
Who is that teenager posing for that photo?
Ya, but he didn't make you promise to use it. He's out to make a monkey of me, I just know it.
Ha! Are you saying I'm childish?
Yes and no. You look 12, and like you're about to get into trouble.
Me? Trouble? NEVer! [in the voice of the SUBWAY Eat Steak! guy] Look again. That face is nothing but angelic. I belong on top of a well lit tree.
Hmm, angelic. Then you're thinking of ways for me to get into trouble at colony.
I didn't know they had a webpage for Subway commercials. What next? Scratch and sniff?
Well, I am thoughtful that way. I prefer to think I'm illuminating your wealth of options. A noble task, indeed. But hey, I'm always glad to be of help. :)
Ok. This is unrelated, but I just found and listened to this over and over and over. Oh my, oh my, do I like.
Hey B.
A coupla things:
2) Who are those musicians? I'm so out of touch with pop culture (except for The Wine and The Are).
1) Will you bring that sleigh to Colony? We could have speed trials down the toboggan hill when we're not building quinzhees or feeding the birds or skiing or eating or playing badminton or skating or eating or playing pingpong or walking or working out or eating or enjoying cocktails or visiting with the brothers or eating or, oh yeah, or writing.
Hey Blitzen! How'd the gingerbread turn out?
2) It's Bjork and PJ Harvey. Awesome.
1) Speed trials! Brilliant! Writing?! Who has time for that? :)
I know who Bjork is but who the heck is PJ? Never heard of her.
Merry Christmas everyone!
I wanna goto colony! But, I don't think that will be happening.
No Dancer at colony! What's the world coming to?
3) G-bread didn't happen. Cold's running through the house. Missed the SWG swillfest, too. Boo-hoo!
4) Dancer, you can come to Colony if you want to. I hear there's still room. But, if you come you must promise, no, you must swear on a stack of Bibles that you will never dance around Severin Hall or anywhere on the grounds in those, uh, clothes, your wife photographed you wearing in the kitchen!
1) Gotta find me one fast sleigh!
2) Thanks, B. Never heard of them. But I like.
5) Oh, and could someone pass the rummed eggnog, please? Blitzen's not yet blitzed!
3) No G-bread? Oh no! Get well! There's still time to whip up a batch.
4) Ya Dancer, I'm with Blitzen on that one. Yikes.
1) Yep, it better be fast. Did you see Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban? I must say I like those Harry Potter movies. Anyhow, Harry's new broom is nothing compared to my speedy little sleigh.
2) Glad you like!
5) Going by these staggering numbers, I'd say Blitzen's already blitzed...
I'm too sexy for my love
too sexy for my love
Love's going to leave me
I'm too sexy for my shirt
too sexy for my shirt
So sexy it hurts
It's more about not having money/time-off to be able to go. I know Demetrius would stick me in the attic if he had too.
Edit: Can someone email me colony info.
Yes, an attic would do the trick. Perfect!
I hope someone emailed you the info, Rhett. I'm currently a million miles away from home and on dial-up til Friday, so I'm no help at all right now.
I'm still waiting for my Amazon to show up too...
I can't come to Colony, though I'd like to someday (B says they don't accept my "kind" there...by which I can only assume she means one-legged Jewish lesbians...but the world is loosening up, so maybe someday).
It does, however, look as though I might blow like a prairie wind through your provincial area in the spring when I launch my new book. Thanks to someone who posts here, but whom I'll only identify by the initials "Tracy Hamon", a nice woman named Amy has offered to help me set up a reading in Regina. I hope some or all of you would be able to make it.
What about Saskatoon, though? Should ignore the Paris of the Prairies?
I'm stuck in dial-up hell at my relatives' place in northern southern Ontario, so I'll take this chance to say Merry Merry and Happy Happy to all.
What about Winnipeg, hmmmm?
Should I ignore the Paris of the Prairies?
You mentioned Regina.
B, your parcel is in the mail.
hey brenda! hope you enjoy kimmy's book. i am still waiting on packages from amazon too. they take forever these days!! as soon as the "delivery estimate" date arrives, i get an e-mail saying it's been delayed. oh well. happy holidays!
kimmy hopes you enjoy kimmy's book too!
Winnipeg, eh? Have the tracks been laid there? Has enough forest been cleared so a plane can land? Hm. Maybe it's time to get some thermal underwear and broaden my horizons.
Readings! GM in Regina! Possible sightings in Winnipeg, Saskatoon, and Paris!
Bring yer sleigh.
G is coming to the prairies?! I'll believe it when I see it. Someone should alert city council. To prevent extensive damage to structures, clearance signs will have to be posted above all doorways. For the reading Amy might want to rent a firetruck. People will need to use the bucket if they want to look G in the eye.
Thanks, Rhett. I think. It should be there when I get home. I'm thinking I got myself into trouble this time...
Hey Jonathan. I liked the chapbooks I got from your press before, so I'm sure I'll enjoy Kimmy's as well.
I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one waiting on Amazon. I wonder what's with them? It's not like I'm ordering obscure out of print titles.
I got an order update today saying From Sarajevo With Sorrow and The Tree of Meaning: Thirteen Talks are unavailable.
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