This morning I walked into a fresh space. Easels with fresh white canvases. Bare walls. I booted the computer, clicked on CBC, took a clean sheet of watercolour paper out of the drawer and before I knew it I was lost in the work. What an incredible day. And incredibly exhausting. Best of all, the work I produced has a freshness about it. A freeness. I imagine that's because there was no work on the walls to influence my eye. Some paintings practically tell you what you should or should not do. "Ya. Do that. It's safe. It worked for me." Or "Eek! Don't do that! What are you thinking? That's what you did to me and I'm not going anywhere." Today there was nothing but CBC, and it had nothing to say about what I was doing. I just painted. It was heavenly. Of course, my little good luck cat, which I've had since I was a kid, looked on with a straight face.

This cat has been painting with me for more than twenty years and it will be there when I turn on the lights in the morning. Needless to say, I'm excited about painting again tomorrow. No nudging needed now.
You STILL have that cat?
Yay--you GO girl! Cute cat :-)
Yep, I still have that cat. It's going grey and that one eye looks suspiciously cloudy, but I think the cat will last as long as me and then some.
Thanks, Anita!
Lovely that you're focused on painting again, and that you're energy is strong.
However, I'm beginning to get a little concerned with this fake animal fixation. What other symptoms do you have?
You should definitely paint the cat.
"Fake animal fixation..."
"Paint the cat..."
Tracy, what if I dedicate my book to my plastic cat? Would that be a symptom?
Rhett, I will not paint the cat. The cat and I will grey gracefully together. Or do you mean paint the cat?
Ariel, just because they're dissing my cat doesn't necessarily mean they share your unnatural position on fake and stuffed animals.
Yes. I suppose that is, although in that particular case I believe your bordering on a bit of a fetish.
Fetish schmetish. Where's a curse tablet when a person needs one....
Your paint tubes look cleaner than they used to !
Define: Gracefully
(I meant it literally, paint it. Although at first glance I thought it was a painting of a cat and pill bottles and I wondered what you were using to inspire yourself. Hopefully, just the dream of candy.)
She probably cleaned them so they'd be worthy of being in a picture with her fetish object...
Ya, Mom, it's amazing how quickly I cleaned up my act once I was the one paying for my supplies. :)
Rhett, that's terrible! Sure, bring up the candy. The candy I won fair and square. The candy I know I'll never see. For those of you who don't know what the candy thing is about, I won a candy on Rhett's blog. Rhett refuses to pay up.
Har har, Ariel. Mind you, I did move the ugly tubes to the back...
Nudge nudge. A nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat.
Heh? Are you saying I'm as blind as a bat or are you calling me an old bat? Either way, pooey to you.
I look forward to hearing you on CBC tonight. Not that I'll be throwing tomatoes at the speakers or anything. Nope. That would never cross my mind.
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