Thursday, February 13, 2014

Had a fantastic trip

... to Muenster and Regina. Thanks to everyone who came out to the readings and made it a fun time. Thanks to those who gave feedback on my new work and to those who contributed their stories. Thanks again to Dr. Barbara Langhorst (St. Peter's College) and Dr. Christian Riegel (Campion College, University of Regina) and The Canada Council for the Arts. I really enjoyed meeting Suzette Mayr and hearing her work. She's an engaging speaker with interesting insights on process and craft. With any luck I'll get to hear her again down the road sometime. 

Speaking of the roads, this was the top of Wapiti Valley.

We were ahead of the brunt of the storm that swept through south and central Saskatchewan yesterday. The wind was shoving the car, the snow driving sideways and sticking, but that rarely deters a birder when the eye catches something. Stop, I said, and H did. All birders know what stop means. He drove back to the exact spot and there it was.

This shrike was near Choiceland. A mighty long shot, but I'm pretty tickled that I saw it at all in those conditions.


Bernadette said...

You, my friend, are not only a great writer, but you have a hawk's eye! Hawkeye Schmidt!

So good to spend time with you and H!

Brenda Schmidt said...

Ha! I shouldn't brag, but hey, anyone would! That bird was like five million miles away!

So great to spend time with you and the others!