Signs of Meaning in the Universe by Jesper Hoffmeyer, a book mentioned by Don McKay in response to a question from the audience following his Caroline Heath Memorial Lecture. I can't remember what the question was.
Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell. This thanks to a Facebook status line.
Trace: Prairie Writers on Writing, edited by Birk Sproxton.
The Art Instinct: Beauty, Pleasure, and Human Evolution by Denis Dutton. I meant to order this book after reading this short interview, but promptly forgot. I only remembered after seeing the book mentioned recently in a Facebook status line. At least I think it was on Facebook. Maybe it was Twitter.
The End of Food: How the Food Industry is Destroying Our Food Supply -- And What You Can Do About It by Thomas F. Pawlick. H ordered this after reading the Pawlick book mentioned a few posts ago.
Mordecai: The Life & Times by Charles Foran.
More snow in the forecast for the next couple days. Time to hibernate.
And that is what is so beautiful about our seasons. Hibernation = reading.
And yay for long winters!
you find the most interesting books, Brenda! thanks for sharing. happy hibernating!
Thanks Shawna! It sure looks like winter out there. I read an essay in Trace today while it snowed, so hibernation has officially begun.
I just heard Douglas Coupland speak on his new book/Massey Lectures series, and in the Q&A, when asked his favourite and/or most influential book, he said 'Cloud Atlas'. Hands down.
Cool! Thanks for passing that on! I look forward to sitting down with it. Then I'm going to read this paper and assign it a grade. :)
Can't wait to read Mordecai, let us know how you like it (or don't)!
Will do! It's over 700 pages and weighs a ton, so it will take me forever. If the internet still exists then I'll let you know!
Big thumbs up on Mitchell and Dutton. Terrific books.
Big thumbs up for those status lines. Almost halfway through Cloud Atlas and loving it.
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