And sure enough, among the postcards featuring the covers from the first 30 books in the Nancy Drew Mystery Series, I found the one I mentioned in this post back in August.

There was no letter. Not a word. Just a return address. An address I know.
How I ended up with friends like this is a mystery that would stump even the likes of Nancy Drew. But life is full of mysteries. And for that I am thankful.
Happy thanksgiving.
In the comments there is mention of my Nancy Drew hair. H and I decided to see if it's really Nancy Drewish.

Yeah, I agree, friends are something to be thankful for, and happy Thanksgiving to you and H!
Gobble, gobble, in more ways than one!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and T and the girls!
I really do have Nancy Drew hair.
Yes, I must agree, you do have Nancy hair. I believe they call that retro. Heh.
Retro! Oh good. What kind of friend are you anyhow? Shouldn't you be helping me bring my hair into this century?
I can't even type I'm laughing so hard!
Hair aside, it's no small feat to sit like that and wield a tool at the same time. Being an amateur sleuth is no cakewalk.
Pluck, Brenda. Pluck.
Ha! Speaking of pluck, our boys looked pretty good in their win over Detroit.
That is a great photo... and the hair is TOTALLY Nancy-ish.
I was at the Polo-Park McNally Robinson today and saw a whole bookshelf devoted to the series...
That, my dear friend, is called a Do. You have a Do, and you do look very sleuthy. (One must be very careful how one types that or bad, bad things can happen.)
Also, I flipped back to your August post, and I don't know why I didn't mention my poison garden poem. Must send you a copy.
Happy Turkey-Day to you and H.
Mike, you made my day! If Nancy is in McNally that means I'm not totally out of style! Ha to Tracy!
Sleuthy! That doesn't sound good at all, Paula Jane. But it's a Do. Ha! I have a Do!
Looking forward to the poison garden poem! Happy Turkey day to you and T!
I like the hair off your forehead.
Very nice, but...which one's the old crock?
Um.. A - you don't really get the mystery genre do you? It's a secret...
I dunno, Anon. I'm scared if I show that much forehead, people will start pinning posters and want-ads on it.
Ha! Make fun while you can, you young whippersnappers! Your day will come.
Is that a barbeque lighter in your hand? They don't make flashlights anymore?
Don't get it close to the "do!"
No, it's not a bbq lighter! Good grief. It's a chisel. So your advice still applies, considering all the goo I used to glue back the Do.
Ok i'm a bit late but i did comment on the hair earlier. Love the photo. great gams too. My favourite mystery writer as a kid was Enid Blyton. Enchanted Forest, Castle of ADventure. could read a book cover to cover in a day.. what happened, I wonder. now it takes me weeks or months.
Ha! Thanks.
My book consumption has really slowed, too. I like to think I spend more time engaging with the text, but really, who am I kidding?
LMAO, Brenda! Perfect faux title.
Now that the conference is over I have time to get caught up on some blogs. What a great photo!
Thanks, Amy! :)
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