Not long after we bought this house, H phoned home saying he heard a gardener on Trader's Post, a local phone-in radio program, who had divided his perennials and had lots to give away. H came home with a load of plants, including a good chunk of monkshood. I was thrilled. Over the years I've divided it and now have monkshood growing in every garden.

I've yet to hold a bloom up to my chin. I don't know what I'd do if it cast a yellow shadow.
Wow. I haven't thought of Nancy Drew in years! I still have a lot of those books in my old room, and my Mom keeps asking me what I'm going to do with them. Maybe I should bring them home.
Cool. It would be fun to look at them again. I still remember a few things from them. For instance, I remember being taken with the idea that a species of cave-dwelling fish, etc, would evolve with no eyes. I don't remember why Nancy was in the cave or anything else about the book, but I remember the fish. I liked The Hardy Boys series better, at least that's what I've always said, but I remember nothing about those books at all. Weird.
I'm with you on the Hardy boys tho Nancy was sort of a groovy (era appropriate choice of language) chick in my op.
re: aconite (monkshood) and other poisonous beauties... when I lived in Scotland, I visited the Duchess of Northumberland's garden at Alnwick... check it out, just google duchess of northumberland and alnwick.... anyway, she has a poison garden there... quite striking... sort of a response to her brother-in-law's O.D. actually...
one of my fav plants in my garden right now is my Datura, a.k.a. Angel's Trumpet... very, very toxic... it adds a certain frisson to the rather benign
jungle that is mine
A poison garden! ha!
I must google Datura. I'm not familiar with it.
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