Thursday, August 14, 2008

I blame the colossal marble head

...of Faustina the Elder for putting an end to my holiday. The plan was to meet my deadline, which I did on Monday, and then spend the rest of the summer reading whatever the heck I want. I started with Ysabel, which I finished last night. Today I was going to curl up in a chair outside and read something else from my pile of unread novels. But that never happened. Instead I was struck by this colossal marble head. And suddenly I was writing. I must have marble in my head.


Paula Jane said...

Writing is good. Marble on the brain perhaps, but never marble in your head. At least I'm pretty sure.

Brenda Schmidt said...

I dunno. Sometimes I think my head is as solid as Faustina's. Other times it seems a bit breezy in there. Never know one day to the next. But yes, I'm writing! It feels good.

Anonymous said...

What happened to time off ???


Brenda Schmidt said...

H is asking the same thing...