But then the sun came out and things picked up.

Wait till you see H's snake pics. They're amazing. I'll let you know when they go up on his blog.
UPDATE: H's snake pics are up!
H also took some video of the snakes. We plan to put together a videopoem using the epilogue from Cantos from Wolverine Creek. I'm not sure how well the video and the poem will work together. It might prove to be too creepy.
You are one busy woman! I love to drop in on your blog occasionally. Something of interest is always happening, or just happened or is waiting to happen. I'm not sure if I share your enthusiasm for snakes, but am very excited about the concert coming up in Flin Flon. Congratulations on the opportunity. I hope it is a fantastic venture, one I would love to be at but won't be able to. And congratulations for your new book. Thanks again for the real life enthusiasm.
Thanks, Carla!
I love snakes. We've wanted to visit Narcisse for years. What lucky timing.
Brenda was the one that chased the boys with a snake !
Ha! That was 35 years ago. I was just trying to give them a nice close look, Mom. Pretty hard when they're running. I had no choice but to run after them... :)
Did you handle one?
No. I haven't handled a snake in years. These days I make an effort to minimize the disturbance of wildlife. I think a snake would find being picked up rather disturbing as it interferes with their intentions to mate and find food. I know how I'd feel if someone was keeping me from my cake...
No worries. I won't be creepy if it looks as good as the photos.
Sorry, what I meant to say was "IT won't be creepy . . ."
And I think Ariel meant did you handle any of THE BOYS, didn't she?
Gerry!!! That's terrible!!! My Mom reads this blog!
One of Lorna Crozier's better poems is called "Fear of Snakes", I think, and it's about a boys torturing a snake and a girl "rescuing" it, in effect emasculating the boys.
Um, sorry to drag the conversation down.
I got Cantos in the mail today! Thanks, B! It's beautiful. Can't wait to cut into it.
Good grief.
Glad to hear it got there!
What, the conversation or the book?
What a bunch of smarty pants.
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