Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Offers from literary magazines sit before me

...urging me to renew my subscriptions and send gift subscriptions to my friends. I'm trying to decide what to do. Actually, I'd set aside only three of the letters that came during the holiday season. I chucked the rest in the recycling bin. Had the letters arrived at a less hectic time of year, I likely would've given them more thought. So now I'm looking at the three. I will renew my subscription to The New Quarterly for sure. It's always a good read. I'm thinking about giving Geist another try. I really like their new website and I'm curious to see if there have been changes to the magazine as well. I'm also considering Arc Poetry Magazine. I swear I bought a copy of the latest issue last time I was in Saskatoon, but I can't find it. I wanted to take another look at it before making a decision. And for fun, I was going to compare its redesign to that of The New Quarterly, both of which are now sporting a spanky square format. The New Quarterly has gone with two columns of text per page which really appeals to the eye, at least at a glance (with the exception of the poems), but I have to be careful to keep the journal as flat as I can while I read. If I don't, the inside columns curve into the spine, making my eyes follow the words up the well-lit slope and down into the shadow, line after line. After a few columns of that, my eyes feel the strain. A small quibble with an otherwise superb magazine.

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