Sunday, November 26, 2006

I had a good day of writing

...but it's far too early to tell if it was a day of good writing. At times when I paused to give my hand a wee rest, I thought about my pen. It's hard to believe that Bic Biros sell at a rate of 57 pens per second. I wonder how fast my Papermate Flexgrip Ultra goes? Pretty fast I'd say, going by my output today. By day's end I'd tacked a few more pages on the wall. I'm especially pleased with the last little poem that popped out of me. It makes me giggle like a fool when I read it. H laughed when I read it to him. So, if nothing else, I had fun. The smile on my face right now looks much like this.

Actually, the fun began this morning. Instead of starting my day by reading poetry like I usually do, I attended a reading by Elizabeth Bachinsky. I suspect that's what influenced the tone of my last poem.


Ariel Gordon said...

That stuffed animal scares me. SCARES ME.

GM said...

Ariel.... Aaarrrrieellllll... Who says I'm stuffed, Ariel? Hear that scrape outside the house? Maybe you have ...mice... Ariel. You SHOULD be scared...

-Stuffy McMouseyface

Ariel Gordon said...

You, on the other hand, do not scare me at all. Nope.

Brenda Schmidt said...

Ah. So these are cans of Ariel repellent?

GM said...

Squeak... Squeeeeeeak.... Snuffle snuffle... I'm coming for you Ariel.... Squeeeeeeeeeeeaak! Squ--wha? Mmm! Cheese crumbs! [Munching noise before return to haunting] Squeeeeak...

Ariel Gordon said...
