...is a photo I didn't have to work too hard to get. Willow ptarmigan have been wintering in this area for ages, feeding on willow and mountain ash and so on. Along came roads and houses and vehicles, but ptarmigan keep coming for their winter food supply is here. And along come birdwatchers in their trucks, their SUVs, their cars. Some come from afar, hoping to glimpse this great northern bird in the pristine wilderness. Flocks of ptarmigan will watch them pass by, then nod back off to sleep beneath the willow in the ditches.
I want to be one of those pesky from-afar birdwatchers! Beautiful bird, great photo.
Thanks! It would be great to see you up this way again.
Wow. I'd trade you a dozen doves for just one of these guys. (And that's saying a lot given my fondness for monsieur le dove.)
*Note: there's no special reason I've launched into French. Too long at the computer on this lovely wintery Saturday, is what I put it down to.
Oh my god. I just saw the yellow truck. Beautiful.
I love doves! It's a deal!
I know I go on and on about them (in case anyone is rolling their eyes), but ptarmigan are pretty nifty. They really look like they enjoy the snow. And they're extra frisky now that February is here. Oh, and when a flock flies overhead their wings make a distinct squeaky sound. Once you hear it you'll never forget it.
And thanks! I took shots with all sorts of vehicles going by. I was tickled when a yellow truck came along!
this is crazy good! the ptarmigan on its own is the cat's meow, but the yellow truck! holy! love this.
Thanks, Shawna!
carin is a darlin'
beautiful shot.
Thanks, Pearl!
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