Update: It came back this afternoon, so I tried again. It's a manic eater, so its head is blurred in many of them, but I managed to get some clearer shots. Still not the best.

Update: I uploaded the video I shot of the bird this morning to YouTube. Click here. (I'll likely replace this video later on with one H just shot in HD.) Those of you who have been here will recognize the legs of our big tray feeder. H just got home from work and is watching the Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch right now.
Update: Here's H's video of the bird from this afternoon. Way better!
Wow, you get all of the cool vagrants.
I was pretty surprised. We've been getting lots of Pines and Evenings, so I was just having a look to do a rough count. We had a fair wind yesterday and a little snow overnight.
Hey Brenda. Nice little visitor to get. What the heck are you guys spreading out for feed to attract such great birds right about this time of the year? I bet it's that feeder station - the one I would love to have in my yard.
I know, it's weird! H has been feeding birds since we bought this place 20some years ago and we're happy when the regulars stop by. This is just bonus! H puts out black oil sunflower seed and that mixed seed he buys at Walmart which the Rustic Bunting was eating last year.
Wow, yet another great find - you seem to be taking the "rare" out of "rarity"!!
Ha! I'm tickled. I'm the laziest birder on earth, so this is nice!
Thank goodness I've seen this one in the province a couple of times or I would have to make the 700 km jaunt again.
Dan Sawatzky
Ha! 700 km in the winter isn't that far! :)
I , however have NOT seen this species before... good for you Brenda !
I keep waiting for one to show up in my yard, or at least here in town !!
Thanks Nick! I hope one heads your way soon! I'm happy this one hung around until Harvey got home.
Those are great shots given triple paned windows and a hefty camera! Always so lovely to see your visitors. (Every time I look out my own window, it's the same mourning dove looking back at me, beak chattering.)
Thanks! I love mourning doves, but have never seen one in the winter. I bet it looks gorgeous in the snow!
Another nice find! This seems to be just the right time of year for Rosy-Finches to be on the move. I know of two Manitoba records where one turned up right about now and stuck around all winter, so perhaps yours will, too. And your photos are fine--no need to apologize, as even the first were readily identifiable shots of the bird.
Drooling with envy over your latest visitor!
Thanks Rob! Good to know. The Pines seem to be treating it with indifference this afternoon, so hopefully it will stick around a while so we can get to know it better.
Thanks for posting this, Brenda. I've never seen a grey-crowned rosy finch before.
I was looking at some previous records in the Atlas of Saskatchewan Birds and Birds of the Saskatoon Area and in some issues of Blue Jay, wondering how far north they've been observed. I see there was one in LaRonge on the 2008 CBC.
exciting! love all the pictures. that's a bird with personality.
Thanks Shawna! As the post shows, there was no containing my excitement! The finch really does have quite the personality. It's not shy, does not take its time coming down to feed and does not put up with any bird in its personal space. It fluttered around a magpie yesterday trying to chase it away from the seed. Pretty gutsy!
Your pictures are good, B. I like Harvey's video as well. Nice going!
Thanks Kathy! We've been enjoying the bird. It showed up bright and early this morning and was totally puffed out. But it's -34, so I'd be puffed out too.
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