Monday, September 22, 2008

I've been trying to read

...Acquainted With the Night, but the book stinks. Literally. It smells strongly of dust. It's like walking into an old abandoned house. I got the book back in November. I don't know if it smelled that way when it arrived, but it's bad. I can only read a few pages before I have to put it down. At this rate it will take me years to finish it. Because it's my first experience with an overwhelmingly dusty-smelling book, I didn't believe my nose at first. So the other day I said H, smell this will you? Smells dusty he said. Now what to do? So I did a bit of googling. If my dusty-smelling book is actually a musty-smelling book, there are things I can try. I really like what I've read so far, so I guess I'll stand it on end, fan it open and see what happens.


Ariel Gordon said...

Kelly, owner and proprieTOR of Aqua Books, has several methods to de-stink a book. Email him and I'm sure he'll share...


Brenda Schmidt said...

Thanks, A! If this doesn't work I'll definitely drop him a line.

Rhett Soveran said...

Umm... Baking Soda? Hello?

Brenda Schmidt said...

Baking soda?! Baking soda never occurred to me. But I like it.

The book continues to stink. I wonder how long it has to stand there like that? And to think I thought the flecks in the paper were nifty. I was probably just admiring some weird cousin of mildew.