I'll add to this post once I finish the book.
June 28
I finished reading the book last night. Its conversational tone made the pages go by quickly. While I wasn't taken with many of the sample poems or his treatment of sound and form, I was impressed with the chapter called "Fine Tuning Metaphors and Similes."
Now to the pic above. The other day I was reading this book outside. Every time I got up to get a cup of tea or pull a weed or check out a butterfly, I put the book on my chair, face down. The last thing I wanted was a neighbour, relative or friend seeing that title. When I see someone holding a book, I always check the title. I know I'm not alone in this. Of course I giggled at my own silly pride every time I put the book down, but still it went face down. It's the word repair that gets me. Writers know revision is key, but I can only guess what the neighbours would think if they saw me holding a repair manual. I'm pretty sure I would not have picked this book off the shelf in my early days no matter how badly I wanted to. A Poetry Handbook, on the other hand, sat in my chair sunny side up. Its title respects my dignity.
"Can... barely... keep... eyes... open..."
Ha! Ok, that's not the response I expected. I do look a tad droopy though. The silly weather caused that.
My first thought or my first impulse?
har har.
This isn't going at all as I'd envisioned.
Where's your coffee?
Ha! You guys are bad.
Actually, my first thought was, hmm, has B been at those bangs again? Because that's something that goes with the word "repair."
Ha! I was hoping you wouldn't notice. I did a brutal job this time. Stupid scissors. I'll have to go in and get them fixed up before I head to Moose Jaw and Fernie.
You could be here pulling weeds !!!
I'd love to be there pulling weeds! I took a break from the books yesterday and worked in the yard instead. All day. It was great.
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