The cactus stood patiently in the driveway, waiting for her to arrive.

And soon a truck pulled into the yard. The cactus was then carefully removed from the pot, gently placed on a blanket and lifted into the truck box.

I was pretty choked up as I watched the truck pull away. But happy for the cactus. It has found a new home.
YAY! Let's celebrate!
Yay! Let's!
Well, I'm a little sad.
Me too. Perhaps coffee and cake at the Orange Toad will cheer me up. I imagine CFAR listeners are celebrating though, no longer having to endure the rising level of urgency in H's voice, brought on no doubt by the comments on the last post.
Did she get all prickly when you tried to hug her goodbye?
Well, I suppose you COULD do it that way. I, however, am still an advocate for the hare-brained scheme.
Well G, I'm convinced that it was your hare-brained scheme that led to this happy ending. You should have seen the look on H's face when I read it to him! So thanks.
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