Monday, September 18, 2006

Saskatoon is

...a beautiful city, even more beautiful in the rain. We spent the weekend there and it rained the whole time. It was wonderful. On Saturday night we went to a fantastic thesis celebration. There we met some great people. I'm sure I ate my weight in cake. The cheesecake was unbelievable. It was by far the best cheesecake I've ever inhaled. I thought the celebration would be the perfect time to return the book I'd borrowed from her way back when. I even put it in a gift bag.

After that we zipped over to the Brick Books and JackPine Press co-launch. It was a full house. I now own When Earth Leaps Up by Anne Szumigalski and the marvelous new chapbooks by Don Domanski and Holly Luhning. On the way home the next day, I read Don Domanski's chapbook aloud. Then I read it again. And again.
It's amazing.


Paula Jane said...

I am so SO happy you came to the party. It meant a lot and I love my new toys. People came and went all evening - about 30 in total - and things finally wound down around 1 am. Thank you for being there. *hugs*

Brenda Schmidt said...

I was thrilled to be invited! I'm happy the toys meet your approval. I hope you managed to untie Batman from the gooseberry bush without breaking his wings off. H had him tied up pretty tight.