Monday, February 21, 2005

I always leave St. Peter's Abbey

...with a list of must-read books. Sometimes as I'm wandering around, taking a break from writing, I stumble upon them. Other times I learn of a title through conversation. For example, during a frigid pre-breakfast walk in the dark with a couple writers, I learned of the work of Oliver Sacks. They were discussing one of his best known books, The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, but the one writer, familiar with my current project, thought I should read A Leg to Stand On. So here I am tonight, checking out Sack's site, grateful that I like walking down icy gravel roads so early.

Another book that made my list is The Ethnographer's Eye: Ways of Seeing in Anthropology by Anna Grimshaw, a book I found in the well-stocked colony library.

Also in the colony library was Jan Zwicky's Wisdom & Metaphor. I read some of it, but I didn't have time to read it all, so on the list it went as well.

St. Peter's Abbey houses an incredible library, which includes the library of Anne Szumigalski, a library I've poured over many times. A great portrait of Szumigalski now hangs by her collection, adding to the magic I feel whenever I touch her books.

Another one of my great joys is turning on the lights and winding my way down the staircase to where more of my favourite books are kept. Among my new finds was The Cottage Builder's Letter by George Murray. I already have The Hunter and because of it The Cottage Builder's Letter has been on my list for some time. Now I really must Add to Cart so I can finish reading it.

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